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Hosting application with Uhuru AppCloud

While hosting your application, you can found numerous hosting options, some provide great features while other provides flexibility in money and in feature you want to use.
I have gone through and found Uhuru AppCloud is a very nice option you can try for hosting your application and it provide flexibility to host application written on different platforms (i.e. .Net, Java, PHP, Ruby etc) . Here I am writing some steps for naive users to start with Uruhucloud.

Steps to use Uruhucloud:-

1.  Create Account
       a.  Open the site  and click on “Sign Up” button (If you have promo code then enter, no issue if you have none).
      b.   Select any one OpenID Authentication ex. Google, Microsoft or Facebook.
      c.   Your account will be created and redirected to Dashboard.
2.   Download and Install Uhuru Cloud Admin and Visual Studio Plugin from (link is given in the footer of your dashboard)
3.   Manage (host, upload, download) your application with these application.
4.   Open Uhuru Cloud Admin; expand Uhuru Cloud Snap – In Click on Targets in left pane.
5.   Click on Add Target from right pane, Enter Target url ( in new window and click on next and Please choose one of the open id auth provider as your login.
6.   Select Apps in left pane, select the application from middle pane which you want to manage and click on Push from right pane to upload Website. 
7.   A new dialog box will open. Enter app name, app url. Select path, framework, runtime, instance, memory. Here is a quick view of Uhuru dashboard

8.   Select service name from right pane and click on Push, Bulk push can also be done by dragging file.
9.   Service can be created or deleted and assigned to applications by selecting Provisioned Services from left menu
10.  You can manage your application directly through Visual Studio by installing Visual Studio Plug in from (link is given in the footer of your dashboard)
11.  After installing Visual Studio Plug in open your project in visual studio and click on view in menu bar then click on Cloud Manager to manage application directly from visual studio.
12.  Short cut key for Cloud Manager is Ctrl + Shift + M.
13.  Connect to your hosted application.
14.  Now the application can be building and pushed by clicking Build in menu bar and then click on Build All and Publish, Shortcut key for Build All and Publish is Ctrl + Shift + Q.


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