While working with file upload control, it is common requirement that user should upload only flie type that suits requirement. For example there is option of uploading resume in your application, resume is normally word or Pdf document, now suppose there is no validation of required file types and user uploaded image file or excel file instead of document, so here come loophole in your application. We can validate required file type either using JavaScript or we can use RegularExpression Validator to validate file. Here I am writing example for RegularExpressionValidator: < asp : FileUpload ID ="fileUpload" runat ="server" /> < asp : RegularExpressionValidator ID ="regFileType" runat ="server" ControlToValidate =" fileUpload" Text ="*Only accepted file formats are pdf, doc and docx" ValidationExpression ="^.+(.pdf|.PDF|.doc|.DOC|.docx|.DOCX)$" ValidationGroup ="vg"...