It's one of the common question while deleting column from a table. How we will delete a column having default constraint. If we try to delete a column having Default constraint, then it will raise error. Looking for Answer, here we go: Declare two variables as: DECLARE @ConstraintName NVARCHAR (200), @sql NVARCHAR (MAX) Now set the value of @ConstraintName as Default constraint name: SET @ConstraintName = ( SELECT NAME AS DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM SYS.DEFAULT_CONSTRAINTS WHERE OBJECT_NAME (PARENT_OBJECT_ID) = '<Table_Name>' ) After this create run-time query to delete constraint and set it to @sql: SET @sql = N'ALTER TABLE <Table_Name> DROP CONSTRAINT ' + @ConstraintName And with the help of sp_executesql drop the constraint as: EXEC sp_executesql @sql And as constraint i...