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Showing posts from January, 2011

SQL function to split string into table

Sometime in SQL server we need to split a long character I am writing function to split string.....with string and delimiter as parameter and it returns table of string as result. Split Function SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo] . [funSplit] (     @sInputList VARCHAR ( 8000 ) -- List of delimited items   , @sDelimiter VARCHAR ( 8000 ) = ',' -- delimiter that separates items ) RETURNS @List TABLE ( item VARCHAR ( 8000 )) BEGIN        DECLARE @sItem VARCHAR ( 8000 )        WHILE CHARINDEX ( @sDelimiter , @sInputList , 0 ) <> 0          BEGIN                 SELECT                 @sItem = RTRIM ( LTRIM ( S...