ASP.Net MVC: Getting started with MVC, HelloWorld Application and passing data from Controller to View
we have learned the basics of ASP.Net MVC and the typical folder structure of MVC
So let’s start with a sample “HelloWorld”
application (as we normally do whenever we learn any new language).
Select File -> New -> Project, select
ASP.NET MVC 3 Web Application and give the application a name as “HelloWorldApp”
and click OK.
New ASP.NET MVC 3 Project wizard opens;
o As you
can see in the snapshot there are three templates (Empty, Internet Application, and
Intranet Application), we’ll use the Empty template for this project.
o There
are two options to write view for our MVC application “ASPX” (aspx pages) and
“Razor”, let’s select “Razor” as an option and click OK.
Our new project is ready to start, let’s have a
look at Solution Explorer.
As you can see there is no controller, let’s add a
new controller, Right-click on the Controllers folder -> Add - > Controller.
Provide a name to your controller as
“HelloWorldController”, there are three options for the Template, select “Empty
controller” and click on Add.
So we have added controller, now let’s add View to
see MVC in action, right-click on the “Index” action and select “Add View”.
Keep view name as “Index” and View engine as
“Razor” and click on Add (skip all other options for now as we needn’t to worry
about those options for this sample).
New View file is added “Index.cshtml”, modify the
view and write a friendly message to show on browser.
And we are done, our first application is ready to
use, now run the application and you’ll get the error as “Server Error in ‘/’ Application”, this is
because we need to call appropriate Controller name to see the result (MVC
application run as(app/controller/action/{parameter}).
So add the controller name (“HelloWorld” in this
case) and see the result.
Sample 2: Passing data from Controller to View.
So we have created a sample HelloWorld application,
now using the same application let’s pass the data from Controller to View.
Use the same “HelloWorldApp” application we created
In the Index action of “HelloWorldController”, store
the current date and time in ViewData (we then access this value in our View).
In “Index” view display the current date and time
with the help of ViewData as:
And run the application and go to the “HelloWorld”
controller and there you can see the current date and time.
You can download the sample code of this post here.
Hope you
have enjoyed this sample, any comments or suggestions are welcomed.
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